Specialist Sport and Exercise Physicians are consultant specialist sports medicine doctors trained under the auspices of the Australasian College of Sport and Exercise Physicians (ACSEP).

Dr Will Craddock

Dr Will Craddock

specialising in:

  • Promoting health through the increased use of exercise and physical activity

  • Advising on the safe use of physical exercise in both prevention and treatment of illness

  • Using a holistic approach to address medical conditions and injuries in individuals who wish to exercise

Working closely with:

  • General Practitioners

  • Medical Specialists including Surgeons, Physicians, and Radiologists

  • Allied Health Professionals including Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists, Exercise Physiologists, Podiatrists, Massage Therapists, Osteopaths, Chiropractors, and Sports Trainers


Conditions and Sporting Issues

Sport and Exercise Physicians look after many conditions and sporting issues including:

  • Acute musculoskeletal injuries

  • Overuse musculoskeletal injuries including tendinopathy, osteoarthritis, exertional compartment syndrome, and stress fractures

  • Exercise prescription for the treatment and prevention of medical diseases including osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, overweight and obesity, depression and anxiety, diabetes, epilepsy, and asthma

  • Concussion

  • Over-training syndrome

  • Exercise during pregnancy

  • Exercise for the athlete with a disability

  • Drugs and supplements in sport

Procedures and Treatments

At the clinic, the Sport and Exercise Physicians can offer, in the diagnosis and treatment of medical and musculoskeletal conditions:

  • Diagnostic ultrasound (available on-site)

  • Eccentric and isometric strengthening programs

  • Exercise prescription

  • Focused extra-corporeal shockwave therapy (F-ESWT, FSWT)

  • Compartment pressure testing

  • Ultrasound guided injections (available on-site)
    - Cortisone (corticosteroids)
    - Hyaluronic acid (Durolane)
    - Platelet-rich plasma (PRP)
    - Autologous conditioned serum (ACS, Orthokine™)
    - Autologous tenocytes (Ortho-ATI™)


Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need a referral?
Yes, as Will is a Specialist Sport and Exercise Physician a referral from your GP is required. Patients can still receive Medicare rebates for consultations if they are not referred but at lower rate. Non-referred patients are not eligible for Medicare rebatable MRI scan referrals and ultrasound guided injections do not attract a Medicare rebate.

What should I bring?

Comfortable sporting shoes and clothes to change into.

Previous relevant investigations including:

  • X-rays, MRI scans, CT scans

  • blood tests, ECG, spirometry

Relevant referral.

How long are the consultations?
Typically, initial consultations are 45 minutes long and follow-up consultations are 30 minutes long.

Can I get a Medicare rebate?
All consultations are Medicare rebatable except for those during which blood products such as PRP and ACS are administered. These services are currently not covered by Medicare.

Can I get a Private Health Insurance rebate?
Medical consultations are not covered by Private Health Insurance Rebates.

Are referrals for MRI scans rebatable under Medicare?
Patients referred to Specialist Sport and Exercise Physicians are eligible for Medicare rebatable MRI scan referrals. Non-referred patients are not eligible for Medicare rebatable MRI scan referrals. 

Call 07 5391 4749 to make an appointment.